HomeARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEAI In Mechanical Engineering: This Is How Companies Get Started

AI In Mechanical Engineering: This Is How Companies Get Started

Fraunhofer spin-off plus10 works with mechanical engineering companies to develop industry-specific use cases for artificial intelligence, making it easier to get started with AI. The workshop provides systematic road maps for machine manufacturers. The workshop format has already been successfully implemented at the plant manufacturer Hosokawa Alpine.

Some machine manufacturers have already tackled the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their machines and systems and in-house processes. Due to the novelty and versatility of these approaches, appropriate expert knowledge is usually not available or only partially available in the company. Therefore, mechanical engineers look for and find the missing AI expertise externally. So it happens that many system manufacturers enter into cooperation with start-ups.

 As a current study by the VDMA Startup-Machine shows, there is often a lack of a systematic approach to such collaborations, although this can be decisive for success. That is why the Fraunhofer spin-off has a plus10an offer specially developed for mechanical engineering companies. This makes it easier for companies to take the first steps towards AI in mechanical engineering. As a provider of AI software for machine and production optimization, the experts at plus10 know the potential that arises from using artificial intelligence. They are also informed about what is technically possible and where problems lurk. 

Integrative Workshop To Get Started With AI, Especially For Mechanical Engineering Companies

As the study by VDMA Startup-Machine shows, more than 50% of the manufacturers of machines and systems have already entered into cooperation with various start-ups. For 84% of the surveyed plant manufacturers, the motives are to develop new products or improve existing ones. To remain competitive, companies get external input. But for cooperation to be a success, it is essential that it is strategic and aligned with a previously defined target. It is precisely for this reason that plus10 has developed an integrative workshop format, especially for machine and system manufacturers. This workshop systematically develops the introduction to AI that is individually tailored to the company.

It shows that there is a willingness and openness for new technologies in mechanical engineering. Often the only thing missing is the knowledge or experience of what would be technically possible with AI and what prerequisites are necessary for this. Identifying these points of contact and potential use cases in the company is the goal of plus10’s AI introductory package. This is not a piece of one-sided advice. The use cases are developed together: Employees from the company bring valuable business knowledge from different perspectives to the workshop.

The Necessary Expertise For AI Applications In Mechanical Engineering Companies

At the same time, AI and automation technology specialists from plus10 provide the necessary expertise on AI basics, existing solutions and best practices in mechanical engineering. After the organized and systematic derivation of use cases, these are technically assessed with the AI ​​experts. In this way, the company develops AI ​​use cases that are individually suitable for them with the associated requirements, benefits and challenges. As a result of the workshop, machine builders receive a specific use case preselection, including a technical assessment, so that they can move on to implementation promptly.

The joint development of possible applications in the company has further advantages: On the one hand, it creates an understanding of new technologies among employees and thus supports the development of knowledge and skills in this area. On the other hand, the acceptance of digital projects in the workforce is decisive for whether the deployment is successful. The VDMA Startup Machine Study also confirms this: Projects involving employees as supporters are more successful . It is therefore worth promoting the support of internal experts by integrating them into digital measures.

AI In Mechanical Engineering: Workshop At The Plant Manufacturer Hosokawa Alpine

The collaboration between mechanical engineering companies and AI start-ups also showed successes at the plus10 workshop and the plant manufacturer Hosokawa Alpine. Christian Riendl, Head of Electrical Engineering of the Film Extrusion Division of Hosokawa Alpine AG, reports on the joint seminar: “Together with plus10, within two days we worked out specific applications of how artificial intelligence can be integrated into our systems in a way that adds value and at the same time is technically realistic. With its concrete examples for implementation in mechanical and plant engineering, plus10 made the topic very tangible. That helped us extensively to identify AI applications for our systems. “

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