HomeBUSINESSDigital Workplace: Five Characteristics That Employees Value

Digital Workplace: Five Characteristics That Employees Value

When people talk about the digital workplace, the images appear to some people. With the entry of digital natives into the labor market, the digital workplace will play a decisive role in the competition for qualified employees. The so-called Generation Z presupposes that their workplace has technologies that can be operated intuitively and can be used to communicate with others, network and obtain information without any problems. Intra Find, the enterprise search solutions and natural language processing provider, defines five aspects that define the digital workplace.

Digital Workplace- Central Working Platform Bundles The Programs

The ideal digital workplace is a central information and work platform that gathers data from all software systems used. With additional applications – for example, for project management or the simple processing of vacation requests – the platform can be adapted to the company’s requirements.

At the same time, every employee receives a personalized dashboard to find all relevant functions and their daily tasks. He does the work directly from the dashboard. There is no need to switch between programs. So that employees do not have to search each source separately when actively searching for information. Enterprise search solutions enable all connected applications and data sources to be searched via a portal.

Digital Workplace Enables More Efficient Collaboration

The digital workplace focuses on the collaboration of people in teams, projects or groups in virtual space. Social collaboration tools ensure that communication is structured and organized. Documents can also be shared with authorized colleagues here. However, this is not just about the technical platform but how employees can best work together. Successful pilot projects, automated help systems or explanatory videos, for example, help to overcome reservations. In addition, the management has to exemplify the change and serve as a role model for the employees.

Results Are More Important Than Physical Presence

The Digital Workplace supports flexible working methods such as the home office by centralizing the required information. In this way, employees can work where they feel comfortable and are productive. This increases both satisfaction and motivation so that companies benefit from the advantages in the competition for the most promising talent and the increased efficiency and productivity of their employees. The digital workplace thus focuses on the result of the work instead of the physical presence.

Artificial Intelligence Supports The Employee

Artificial intelligence takes on routine tasks in the digital workplace by reading information from documents, messages and other sources and processing it independently, for example, by forwarding incoming emails from a collective mailbox to the responsible colleague. It learns from the behavior and decisions of the employees and reacts automatically in the event of repetition.

Employees are relieved and can focus more on their actual work. For example, Enterprise search applications also use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to automatically enrich the search results with additional information or organize the hit list based on usage-based relevance.

Data Security Is Essential

A holistic security concept is essential in the digital workplace. For example, with an enterprise search solution, employees can only see the information to which they have access rights by checking their rights.

In addition, solutions such as Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions help manage access rights to data so that you can understand who is accessing which information and when. They also have to encrypt the data on the server itself and also during transport. Furthermore, container solutions, for example, ensure security on mobile devices. This approach protects companies from data leaks or willful data theft.

“Intelligent tools make it possible to find information from different data silos in the Digital Workplace and relate them to one another,”.

“Enterprise search solutions as a central knowledge infrastructure in the backend also enrich existing processes, for example, by analyzing the digitized incoming mail, forwarding support tickets to the responsible helpdesk staff, or automatically recognizing confidential information or deletion periods. This relieves the employees and allows them to concentrate on more important tasks. “

ALSO READ: Tibco Presents Cloud-Native Solutions Based On Artificial Intelligence

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