Company Define Its Positioning On Social Networks

Company Define Its Positioning On Social Networks

The world is increasingly digital, and being present on social networks is no longer seen as a differential; it is practically an obligation that every company must have; after all, it is through them that you can achieve relevance in the market and improve effectiveness. , the image of your business. 

Social networks are considered one of the most powerful communication channels today; regardless of the web, they can generate engagement, create authority, increase your visibility, capture new customers and even increase sales of your industrial mixer. 

However, it is not enough to create your page “just to create it”; you need to be relevant within it, and it is essential to have good positioning. Companies are seen almost as individuals nowadays; they have their thinking, ideas, opinions, and personalities. 

But how to position yourself correctly and compatible with your goals? Today’s text will show how a company can define its positioning on social media; let’s know how? So let’s go!

Choose Which Networks Your Brand Will Operate On

There are several social networks in our daily lives; Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are just a few examples of great communication channels, each with its particularity and way of acting. 

Thus, the first step to defining your positioning is to know which network you want to be present on; it is always recommended to choose more than one and see the best ones and the ones that are more compatible with your area of ​​activity. 

Use The Correct Language Compatible With Networks

After defining the networks where your brand will be present, it’s time to use the correct language and be compatible with each of them; as we mentioned above, each has its particularities, different content formats, and even an opposite audience. 

It is necessary to work well with the visual identity, the elements, and the content of the posts that will be approached in your company making uniforms.

Always try to maintain a pattern and find a more personal and relaxed tone; remember that these are social networks; in most cases, people are looking for something more fun and with a lighter tone. 

However, everything will depend on your business’s objective, your brand’s behavior, and the social network inserted; Twitter and LinkedIn, for example, have different communications, as well as a more modern company and a more traditional one. 

Develop Social Actions

After you’ve already defined the networks and the tone you will use, it’s time to start developing social actions; try to stay tuned to trends and don’t be afraid to take a stand for some causes, such as the case of “Black Lives Matter” or o “Stay at Home,” two actions that marked the beginning of 2020.

Your company can position itself neutrally, seen as a safer option. Still, the recommended thing is to continuously analyze trends and speak out on impactful issues that should be defended according to what you believe. 

Drive Engagement And Grow Your Followers

Engagement is part of social networks and must also be explored within its positioning; for this to happen, it is necessary to have a well-aligned positioning in several factors. 

Create a striking and unique visual identity for your precision machining, work with trends and viral content, respond to comments and constantly interact with your audience, assemble posts periodically and frequently, and include CTA’s in your publications. 

All this helps keep your audience always nourished, increasing engagement and followers on your networks and helping your business grow. 

Produce Content That Conveys The Brand Message

Finally, when choosing the best post and content to be propagated within your networks, it is ideal to look for something that conveys the brand’s message and know precisely what you want to get in each word or image you assemble. 

Look for something that matches your reality and that you want to convey to your audience, fits the tone and approach you want, talks about topics relevant to your business, and always tries to include as much of your brand in each post.

Also Read: SEO For Social Media: What It Is And How To Do It

Types Of Clouds, And How Does Cloud Storage Work?

Types Of Clouds, And How Does Cloud Storage Work?

Cloud storage is part of the technology known as Cloud Computing. It allows your organization to guarantee a series of benefits related to mobility and reduced need for resources.

Among them are management and operational excellence, cost minimization, and process optimization. It can also initiate or strengthen adherence to a technological culture based on innovation.

Cloud Computing consists of a solution offered directly on the service provider’s servers through internet access. Customer information and systems are housed in data centers dispersed orderly across multiple locations.

In this way, the benefits of Cloud Computing involve reducing IT costs because of the decrease in the amount of equipment needed to run and maintain the IT infrastructure.

In short, there is no need to maintain servers, computers, physical media, and other equipment to store files, which also frees up space within the organization. To access your files and systems hosted in the cloud, connect to the internet and log in to the developer’s solution anytime and anywhere in the world.

What Types Of Clouds Exist?

There are different types of clouds on the market, each with its attributes. Are the following:

Public Cloud

The public cloud is so named because it uses shared physical resources to provide services to multiple customers. It is helpful for those who want the advantages of the virtual environment accessed via the web but are not so demanding regarding security, customization, configuration, and infrastructure control.

It delivers good scalability and reliability and is more affordable, being suitable for small and medium businesses that do not work with very critical data or require a high confidentiality level.

Private Cloud

The private cloud uses computing resources (servers, network, etc.) to provide digitized services aimed at a single company, that is, delivery exclusively to the contracting company. It has a protected environment with greater privacy and monitoring.

Security is strengthened, protecting confidential data exchanges with the server. Access control is maintained on the private platform, and there is greater freedom for customization. It is suitable for anyone who generates and handles confidential internal and customer information.

Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud service consists of integrating one or more public and private clouds to optimize the benefits of these services.

It combines the security of the private cloud, ideal for sensitive and critical data, with the scalability and cost efficiency of the public cloud. Consequently, it becomes a more flexible option with wide accessibility.

On Which Servers Is This Information Stored?

Cloud backup is a service that usually has multiple storage servers. Typically, it runs on a regional or global network of data centers and servers managed by the developer, which is housed in different locations.

This fact increases the availability and security of information. This is because, as mentioned earlier, if an unforeseen event occurs at one of these points, the others will take over the storage and provision of the service.

Allied with this aspect, we also have the possibility for the developer to use the IT infrastructure closest to you to save your data. This way, you can assure your processes some advantages, such as more incredible access speed, better user experience, and performance gain.

Cloud Computing is a reliable technology that delivers multiple benefits to any corporation that wants to optimize its backup processes. As seen, its advantages include the reduction of maintenance costs and the acquisition and replacement of physical equipment. There is also a better use of the space destined for these items and the mobility gained in the informal consultation.

In addition, cloud backup protects your information from equipment failure and data loss due to servers affected by natural phenomena and disasters such as floods, fires, lightning strikes, etc.

The possibility of fast file recovery is also essential to avoid rework and interruptions in activities, especially in cases of malware invasion, cyberattacks, and data hijacking. That’s because developers often rely on efficient security solutions that help prevent such events and ensure that operations can resume quickly.

Also Read: Importance Of Investing In Cloud Services

Why Is IT Investment A Business Necessity?

Why Is IT Investment A Business Necessity?

IT Investment: Information Technology has been assuming a leading role in today’s market. The issue is that some companies still do not believe in the sector’s potential, keeping their IT investments at an inadequate level, contributing to the company’s non-development as a whole.

So, if your company hasn’t opened its eyes to the importance of current technology, it’s undoubtedly already lagging in the market. Advanced IT generates productivity, reduces operational costs, brings more business, and, at the end of the process, achieves positive results for the company. Developing a structured IT is not an expense increase but the opposite: exponential growth in the entrepreneur’s profit margin.

That’s why it’s time for a vision change to happen. Many companies see the Information Technology area as a cost to the organization. But IT should not enter the balance sheet as an expense but as an investment. This is because what is allocated as funds for the organization’s technological development returns as a result in the future.

This distorted view causes the Information Technology sectors to have, every year, the same budget, plus only the percentage of inflation. This does not allow IT to develop functional solutions for the business.

The consequence is the total absence of innovations, and the organization often fires. Meanwhile, your competitors grow and conquer new customers, eager for new products and solutions.

This post will show you some of the main benefits of investing in IT. Here’s why you shouldn’t waste any more time and start promoting your company’s technology immediately:

Automated Processes

One of the villains of organizational productivity is routine processes performed manually. Allocating an employee to coordinate an activity that can be done with the help of technology represents a considerable delay in generating business and affects the organizational result.

Information technology is capable of streamlining, optimizing, and automating routine processes that, although they may not seem like it, are vital for the organization’s function.

If your company has many repetitive tasks, which do not require the employee to think to do them, IT can help speed up fulfilling these tasks.

Image Gains

The image the company passes on to the market is one of the factors responsible for attracting customers. In today’s market, an organization that presents itself in an old-fashioned way and is full of obsolete processes will end up selling an equally negative image.

The image is built on the foundations of the organization, which are represented by what it offers to customers: agility, good service, competitive prices, and innovative solutions. Giving up any of these factors means scratching your brand almost irreversibly.

All these processes are influenced by the investment you allocate to your IT.

Agility In Service

Delayed and obsolete processes generate difficulties in processing information, which is reflected in the service you provide to your customer. In today’s market, companies cannot afford to take the time to give answers.

Nowadays, customers are more demanding because of the number of available offers. Therefore, if your company does not have agility when the customer presents a demand, you will hardly be able to keep them in your base.

And the cost of acquiring a customer is much less than the cost of keeping them.

Focus On Strategic Objectives

Automating and optimizing routine processes streamlines the process itself and promotes a better reallocation of internal resources in the organization. As? Well, if you had an employee dedicated to a support process, that means you were using expensive labor to perform a task that can be automated, right?

This employee will now be available to collaborate with the company’s strategic objectives, participating in the elaboration and execution of projects related to the business.

The best contribution of human capital to the company is to use its ability to develop strategies to promote business. A well-structured IT allows team productivity to be directed in this way.

Data Security

Information is one of the most expensive and precious assets of companies today. The volume of data generated internally and externally is significant for decision-making and controlling all organizational aspects.

Many companies that do not invest in the technology end up suffering from data loss, generating operational problems and damaging the company’s image. Among the information circulating in the company are those that concern customers and need extra care.

Today’s IT has much more effective data management processes, such as cloud information storage and efficient and secure backup software.

Efficient Decision Making

Agile processes, information circulating quickly, and data security bring better conditions for making strategic decisions. The competitiveness of the current market requires excellent capacity for adaptation and change in strategic direction.

This can only be done safely and efficiently if the manager has all the information he needs to decide promptly. Only structured IT can guarantee this peace of mind.

Competitiveness In The Market

Investment in IT, whether carried out by companies of any size, results in greater competitiveness in the market. Currently, agility and good service are values ​​as important as prices.

Customers don’t mind paying a little more for innovative solutions that bring a differential to their routine. Therefore, if the company does not invest in IT, it is unable to develop solutions that please people.

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How To Protect Your Company’s Cyber Attacks?

How To Protect Your Company's Cyber Attacks?

Cyber Attacks: Undoubtedly, the Digital Transformation of the market has resulted in several benefits for companies – such as a gain in competitiveness, agility, cost reduction and process optimization.

However, this scenario also brought a new concern for managers: cyberattacks against the workforce. In this sense, organizations must think of ways to prevent their workforce from being victims of these attacks, compromising their performance in the market. For this, it is necessary to adopt security measures for the organization’s equipment and the activities of the employees – inside and outside the company.

With this in mind, in this article, we cover the preliminary information about the composition of the workforce that must be protected, what losses can occur as a result of cyberattacks and how to increase cybersecurity in your company. Follow up!

What Makes Up The Workforce?

A common mistake in companies that suffer from cyber attacks is to adopt protection measures only for the organization’s equipment and systems. They forget the people who use them and are usually responsible for allowing an attack, even if unintentionally, to happen.

Therefore, when analyzing what protects the workforce from cyber attacks, it is necessary to consider the organization’s employees, third parties and partners, the company’s equipment and the professionals used for work activities. Thus, mobile devices, such as cell phones and tablets, as well as virtual environments, especially those contracted from suppliers, must be considered.

What Are The Possible Losses From A Cyberattack?

The problems generated by cyber-attacks are diverse, ranging from small failures and loss of equipment with viruses and malware to significant theft of data, information and intellectual property of the business. In this sense, losses vary from small to large, and every company is susceptible to them.

Many hackers seek holes in the security of business systems to capture data and use it to request a “ransom” payment, with the threat of selling the information on the market, distributing it on the network or simply destroying it. Another common practice is to use captured items to commit digital fraud, harming the company’s customers and employees.

Finally, customer trust is a hazardous loss for organizations, which tends to decrease in cases of knowledge about cyber attacks. Insecurity and fear that their information will be compromised make consumers look for new suppliers and stop relating to the company, whose market value decreases.

How To Protect The Company From These Attacks?

Several practices can be adopted as workforce security measures against cyberattacks. Below is a list of the most efficient ones. Check out!

Use More Complex Passwords

One of the simplest and most effective practices to increase systems security is the adoption of more complex and elaborate passwords. Ideally, they should have at least eight characters and combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Anniversaries, nearby items on the keyboard, names and common words should be avoided as hackers easily decipher them.

In addition, it is not recommended to use the same password for all accesses. Although the practice is common and functional, it increases the vulnerability of protected information. Updating passwords periodically is another indication that increases data security.

Use A Good Firewall

The first layer of protection in a network is firewalls. They work as a block for malicious content, preventing this data from being transmitted or received by system users.

Different types of firewalls are available on the market, allowing protection to be configured according to the needs of the company, team or employee hierarchy. In this sense, it is possible to prevent professionals from accessing websites or pages with specific URLs within the network, which reduces the risk to the organization’s network.

Get A Quality Antivirus

The second protection that a network must have is an antivirus. Although there are several free options, the best option is for companies to invest and purchase more sophisticated packages to increase the security of business data and information.

Update Your Programs

One of the ways hackers try to break into systems is to look for flaws and errors in their programming. Therefore, it is important to keep programs updated since updates focus on fixing vulnerabilities caused by these imperfections. In addition, it is essential not to use pirated software, systems and hardware which do not present any guarantee for the company.

Make Regular Backups

The backup consists of a copy of the company’s information. It is recommended that it be done periodically to avoid the loss of important files for the business, such as customer data, suppliers and documents. In addition, it is recommended to use cloud environments to store duplicate material, as they are more secure than local or physical options.

Protect Your Mobile Devices

Because they are more susceptible to theft and loss, mobile devices — such as notebooks, tablets and smartphones — pose a greater risk to the security of their files. For this reason, it is essential to have data encryption systems, remote formatting and blocking of use without complex passwords to prevent information from being accessed by unauthorized persons.

Train Your Team

Another critical practice to ensure your workforce is protected from cyberattacks is investing in corporate training. Employees should know which unsafe methods, such as opening unknown emails and downloading unexpected files. In addition, it is recommended that they be prepared to know what to do when they identify that a device has been infected in some way, allowing the IT team to make an efficient recovery.

Have Competent IT Professionals

The IT team is responsible for creating the entire security strategy of the company and choosing and managing the tools used in this activity. Therefore, these professionals must be well-trained, competent and knowledgeable about market trends to ensure efficient workforce protection.

Also Read: Windows Shortcut: Malware & Spam Cyberattacks Are On The Rise

Importance Of Investing In Cloud Services

Importance Of Investing In Cloud Services

Cloud Services: When observing the dynamics of new ventures, a greater tendency towards digital transformation is perceived. New technologies that manage and automate data handling have enabled more significant efficiency.

Cloud services appear as a solution to optimize business processes. After all, companies increase their performance in production operations and customer service, enabling personalized treatment of their target audience. To keep up with all the innovations, it is necessary to have support for it.

When a company needs to dedicate part of its budget to a new budget, it is common to question this action and even have an idea that the value is an extra, unnecessary expense. However, technologies have proved how harmful this reasoning model is to ensuring an organization’s healthy growth.

See below some of the points that reinforce the reason to bet on cloud services for your company and how you can even increase the profitability of your business. After all, the idea is to allow scalability in addition to collecting and analyzing an increasing number of information that feed and directs strategic intelligence.

Optimize Your Spending

When it comes to migrating to a cloud system, the immediate result felt by the company is a drop in costs. In a quicker analysis, we noticed the reduction of expenses with IT services, purchase and maintenance of structure for storing information. Unlike traditional enterprise solutions, this model also allows for customization.

That way, those aligning business with technology don’t have to worry much about the company’s size. With quick research in this sector, it is easy to find out which quality companies offer packages according to the size of their customers, serving from large to small organizations.

Follow The Digital Transformation

The impact of digital transformation on business communication is enormous. Even for more conservative businesses that focus on the customer, technologies present themselves as one of the points of concern. Cloud services allow the company not only to have greater agility but also to take advantage of the most diverse trends expected by the public, such as:

  • personalization of messages and communication;
  • service segmentation, creating a more individualized experience;
  • agility in collecting and processing information, allowing access to more detailed customer data, and influencing decision-making more efficiently;
  • storing information without worrying about losing data or not being able to access it remotely;
  • work with real-time information.

Be Omnichannel

With the popularization of different social networks and other channels such as email, website and e-commerce, it has become increasingly important to ensure the integration of all these processes in one place. The omnichannel solution allows consumers to have a unique and exclusive experience with the brand, receiving linear service from the brand, even if they change channels.

Cloud services facilitate operations such as online purchases and in-store pick-up, consultation of product details over the phone and forwarding to completion via smartphone, with the right to discount coupons. In short, many strategies can only be implemented with real-time access.

Integrate Information

Another fundamental point linked to omnichannel practice and efficient management strategies is the integration of information. The crossing of data is vital for the company to develop answers promptly — both to reduce costs and to take advantage of opportunities.

Cloud storage does not mean that your company will have all information available to all employees. The image is like a huge file (with practically infinite space) in which all the relevant data is stored and can be accessed from an internet connection. In addition, it is also possible to manage access, allowing each to see what is needed.

Ensure Data Security

With the LGPD ( General Data Protection Law ), it has become increasingly evident how important it is for companies to ensure the security and proper treatment of their customer’s information and to be able to store corporate information effectively. Therefore, some believe that a cloud service can expose more data.

However, this is just a myth. Cloud systems have the advantage of having IT professionals at their disposal, constantly updating the platforms and keeping them safer than software installed on machines.

Also Read: Cloud Certifications: Number Has Tripled For IT Service Providers

IoT In Companies: What It Is And Why Adopt It

IoT In Companies: What It Is And Why Adopt It

IoT in Companies: Technology is evolving at breakneck speed. Some inventions are meeting — or surpassing — the predictions of futuristic movies.

One example is the application of the Internet of Things in companies, which has taken automation to a new level of efficiency.

And does your organization already know the development the Internet of Things provides? Do you understand how it can be used to achieve company goals and increase business profitability?

If your answer to these questions is still negative, don’t miss this post. We will tell you about the Internet of Things, how it is used in organizations and some of its main benefits. Keep reading!

What Is The Internet Of Things?

It is one of the pillars of Digital Transformation and also of the 4th Industrial Revolution. It refers to developing a growing group of objects capable of interacting with other devices through the internet connection.

Therefore, the Internet of Things (IoT) allows, through systems, these objects to be integrated and act in sync. The software can collect real-time information, analyze it, and determine actions for these devices, according to the moment’s need.

To make the concept concrete, let’s consider a simple example: a connected car could send an approach signal to a corresponding gate, triggering an automatic opening.

However, companies already have much more sophisticated alternatives to use this technology in some industries, the entire shop floor is just machines. In these organizations, they no longer rely on any human interaction to produce.

Thus, through sensors and systems, the machines perform all the actions that previously required an employee’s performance. The equipment signals when it needs more supply, for example, that it is automatically brought in by another machine, and so on.

How Is The Internet Of Things Being Used?

The IoT is present in many sectors of the economy, although people often talk only about industry and production. In addition to enabling intelligent factories, homes, and condominiums, like the ones we mentioned in the previous topic, it is becoming widespread in people’s lives.

An example is marketing and purchasing. Today, a small beacon (tiny chip stored in plastic cases) can track the phone numbers of consumers who approach the store.

Maybe you think: how useful is this? So, think about this: this chip has each consumer’s internet browsing information. He knows who reads blogs and watches videos about exercising and going to a gym, for example.

Based on this information, the chip knows which sports products the consumer is interested in. This, when approaching a particular store of this type, the merchant’s system can identify this beacon and its interests. The store will then send you messages with exclusive offers according to your preferences.

For some people, all this information exchange can seem a little daunting. However, if we think this interaction makes life easier for consumers, providing offers relevant to their profile, this estrangement quickly disappears. However, this is just one of the applications.

As you can see, the Internet of Things takes automation to a new level. Thanks to them, companies can make their production more efficient and accurate, reduce costs and increase the profitability of a business. The perfect combination of quality and price is an unbeatable competitive advantage in the market. Did you understand the Internet of Things’ role in companies and its adoption’s benefits to increase the organization’s profits?

IoT is transforming the customer experience, but it will also change how traders deliver their products.

Because the integration between devices and platforms will allow professionals to create personalized experiences for customers and learn more about their behaviors and preferences.

How Is IoT Transforming Things Around Us?

The Internet of Things has given us the instrumentation to create smart homes, for example.

Most industries already use (or at least plan to use) the Internet of Things in their business routine. Because of IoT, innovative stores have become part of retail initiatives. For example, it is possible to find a defect in a machine before it breaks down.

In logistics, sensors can indicate where a product is, how it is being transported, and what its conditions are. The logistics sector is one of the sectors that has benefited most from these innovations. After all, sensors connected to the internet have great potential to simplify the distribution chain and the steps that take the product from the industries to the shelves.

Also Read: How Is IoT Transforming Business?

Five Ways To Modernize Your Company’s Networks

Five Ways To Modernize Your Company's Networks

Modernizing your company’s networks: The life cycle of Information Technology is getting shorter every year. New competitors are disrupting the industry by bringing new digital practices and processes.

Customer expectations constantly evolve in an increasingly competitive race to deliver the best and most connected experiences.

This has increased pressure on the company’s IT to support leading-edge capabilities such as data analytics, cybersecurity, automated processing, and integration with third-party systems.

Modernizing your company’s networks requires updating the tools and functions and the way IT is thought of. Modernization efforts must create value for the company. Understanding the elements of your IT system needed to achieve your goals is essential. 

Below, we’ve separated five ways to modernize your company’s networks and rethink your IT culture to include digitization at the heart of it. Follow us!

Set Everything By Software

Network modernization is essential for digital transformation. Your company network is the IT backbone of your business. With an ever-increasing need for agility and an ever-evolving application landscape, IT leaders are turning to programmable, agile, software-based enterprise networking solutions.

In legacy infrastructure, the data and management planes are tightly coupled, and each device must be reconfigured if changes occur across the entire network. This can result in months of waiting time when making changes. That’s a long time for a digital business. 

On the other hand, software-defined systems ( SD-WAN ) separate the control plane from the data plane, allowing the control plane to be centralized. This will enable engineers to make changes from a centralized location and propagate them across the network in near real time. 

Adopt AIOps

Today, networks are significantly more complex than they were in the past. At the same time, they are more important from a business perspective, as network outages and even underperforming networks cost a company a lot of money. 

Most vendors offer real-time telemetry data to help engineers better manage their networks. The problem is that the amount of data is so large that even the best engineers cannot interpret it quickly and without error.

AIOps ( Artificial Intelligence for AI Operations ) systems, on the other hand, constantly monitor and can alert network operations teams to minor anomalies that can cause performance issues.

Harness The Power Of The Cloud

Cloud computing has transformed every part of IT except the network — until now. Compute, storage, application development, and even security leveraged the cloud to provide grander scale and agility. Now it’s time for the network to follow suit.

Early in the software definition cycle, software was centralized on local controllers, which limited the collected data to one location due to the massive storage requirements of the entire network. However, nowadays, most vendors also offer cloud controller options, which brings many benefits. 

First, you can centralize all data across your entire network to provide a comprehensive, end-to-end view of your network. The cloud also enables large-scale growth of compute-intensive workloads such as AI, ensuring scalability at low costs.

Upgrade To Wi-Fi 6 And 5G

If wireless networks were considered convenient in the past but still lost in performance to wired networks, this reality has changed. Wi-Fi 6, the new generation of Wi-Fi, and 5G, the new generation of mobile connection, deliver the level of wireless performance that modern networks demand.

Wi-Fi 6 incorporates many features from the cellular world to reduce congestion and extend range. 5G, in turn, brings Wi-Fi speeds to cellular networks.

Each of them serves different purposes. A typical deployment model combines the two: Wi-Fi 6 is used for general-purpose connections and areas with high customer density, and 5G is used for mission-critical use cases.

Build Security Into Your Network

Historically, networking and security technologies were deployed independently. This was not ideal, but it worked well enough to stop most breaches. Network engineers designed the network, and security experts deployed security tools at every intrusion point.

Two of today’s challenges include tunneling SaaS apps, VPN, and guests accessing the Wi-Fi network. Even with infinite funding for your business, deploying all the security tools you need to protect every point is impossible.

Another point of complexity is the increasing number of security tools. Previously, firewalls and IDS/IPS systems were enough to protect the enterprise. Modern security includes Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), Secure Web Gateway (SWG), Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Network Discovery and Response, and other tools.

Also Read: Why Rely On A Custom Project For Your Business?

How Is IoT Transforming Business?

How Is IoT Transforming Business?

The digital revolution has allowed companies to adopt IoT to gain a competitive advantage and provide a better customer experience.

But the benefits of IoT can go deeper than revenue and profit growth. See below for examples of what IoT can do for your company, regardless of your industry:

Asset Control And Inventory Management

IoT apps can allow you to manage your inventory, giving you some automatic control options. Likewise, tracking assets in the supply chain with IoT can be an ideal solution for capturing assets that have gone missing in transit.

Installing IoT products and software in your warehouses and storage units can help you manage inventory changes. Additionally, incorporating surveillance systems with IoT and analytics can prevent theft before it occurs.

For example, Amazon increases its shipping capabilities by engaging Wi-Fi robots that scan QR codes on its products and track your orders.

Data Perception And Sharing

Almost all companies work with the aid of data collection and transmission, and the adoption of IoT has completely revolutionized the way data is processed. 

In addition to allowing greater access to user data, IoT applications can track the patterns in which a user connects to the device. Learning from the designs makes the app smarter and offers a better user experience. 

Simultaneously, IoT devices help companies to decipher this data for business growth. You can use the data to study consumer needs, the buying cycle, the scope for improvement, and approaches to marketing and advertising.

Wearable devices and smartwatches, for example, can communicate data through sensors and offer the most accurate information about our needs.

Formation Of New Lines Of Business

Companies not only develop products, but they must also monitor the performance of their products, which can be done thanks to the predictive maintenance algorithm built into IoT devices.

The feasibility of transferring IoT data across the organization’s ecosystem of customers and partners enables new avenues of innovation in the form of continuous engagement and value-added services.

For example, John Deere, a farm equipment manufacturer, employs the IoT to provide its customers with innovative products, such as autonomous tractors and smart farming solutions that constantly monitor crop levels and soil health.

Effective Market Strategy

As the enterprise can ingest, process, visualize and respond to vast volumes and a variety of data, it can ultimately build strategies to meet customer needs. 

With devices connected to the internet, they get a 360-degree view of their customer’s preferences, creating campaigns that generate feedback from the audience. In addition, it helps to segment the customer base and develop personalized offers to increase customer satisfaction and enhance their experience.

Driving Real-Time Insights

Real-time data from processes, devices, and people through sensors is revolutionizing business; since the visibility of what is happening can be a game changer. We already see breakthroughs in critical industries, especially retail. 

By getting real-time insights from shoppers, retailers can stock products on shelves and increase their profits with efficient sales and inventory management.

The Internet of Things is crucial in interconnecting devices such as intelligent systems and cameras to work collaboratively. This way, a company can make smart decisions, eventually applying innovations to its business models.

Omni-Channel Services

The omnichannel approach to sales is highly needed today as it optimizes the entire shopping experience. IoT plays a vital role in facilitating this service and improving the variety of user experiences. 

Due to the incorporation of sensors into internet-connected devices, organizations or manufacturers have the facility to oversee the operations, status, and service levels of remote locations and provide immediate support as and when the customer requests it.

Improved Customer Experience

By facilitating the support team with enhanced tools to monitor customer issues, IoT supports them in addressing and resolving them quickly.

Furthermore, the massive integration of chatbots and artificial intelligence with IoT focuses on customer satisfaction and gives business owners a unique portal into customers’ lives. Chatbots synthesize data and identify issues with any service or product that can be improved.

Also Read: How Is The IoT Revolutionizing The Industry?

In Which Areas Of The Company Can Chatbots Help?

In Which Areas Of The Company Can Chatbots Help?

Chatbots deployment is usually associated with customer support. But as mentioned, the tool is also capable of serving other areas of the company very well, such as:

  • Marketing;
  • Sales;
  • Attendance;
  • Human Resources (HR);
  • Internal communication. 


In marketing, chatbot deployment has two primary missions: increasing audience engagement and converting users into leads. 

But in addition, the tool can also be used to:

  • Capturing, qualifying, and nurturing leads;
  • Manage the shopping journey;
  • Improve the company’s image before the public;
  • Collect data about the target audience from interactions.


In the sales sector, the chatbot provides practical assistance in all processes, from prospecting to post-sales. 

You know that lead that filled the cart with products and didn’t make the purchase? The chatbot is ideal for getting in touch and finding out what happened.

And during the order delivery process, your customer is reassured by being updated on the status by Whatsapp. In addition, the tool can still assist in the collection sector, making the situation less uncomfortable for the customer. 

Internal Communication And HR

Implementing a chatbot can also significantly optimize the company’s internal communication and Human Resources sectors. 

In this sense, the chatbot for HR can:

  • Answer questions from new employees;
  • Create a system of requests to HR simply and automatically;
  • pass on information;
  • Send reminders;
  • Perform cadastral update;
  • Create questionnaires for vacancies.


The optimization that the chatbot provides to companies is undeniable in terms of customer service. With it, you can provide 24/7 support to your customers so that common questions and simple problems are quickly resolved. But, in addition to the benefits mentioned so far, there are still others. Check it out below.

Benefits Of Deploying Chatbots For Customers

Chatbots are tools that emerged from the digital transformation and whose main objective is to improve the customer experience and their relationship with the company. 

And to achieve these results, the technology offers:

  • Agile service;
  • Significant reduction in waiting time for service;
  • Efficient and fast solution for support cases.

But, customers are not the only ones to benefit from chatbot deployment.

Benefits Of Deploying Chatbots For Companies

For companies, in addition to improving customer relationships, increasing satisfaction, and contributing to their loyalty, there are other benefits for the team, such as the optimization of internal processes . follow-up.


Deploying a chatbot allows repetitive tasks to be automated, frees up your team to take care of more strategic matters, and makes them much more productive.

Cost Reduction

From the chatbot deployment, it is not necessary to maintain a fixed service team all the time. Technology solves the most straightforward problems; keeping employees only to solve more complex situations is necessary. In this sense, there is a reduction in labor costs in the company’s monthly budget. 

Another point to be highlighted is the savings obtained in the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). This is because the chatbot can reach a much larger number of leads in much less time, in addition to being a more discreet and less intrusive way of contacting the customer to offer products or services.


The chatbot allows you to go where the customer is. Integrating the technology with different tools, such as Messenger, WhatsApp, and Telegram is possible. 

In this way, the company can strengthen the relationship with the customer, promoting a more friendly interaction, which has much more potential to generate conversions.


Another point to be highlighted about the chatbot implementation is that it is a highly scalable technology since the bots can perform more than one service at a time.

Creating A Database

From the interaction of customers with chatbots with artificial intelligence, it is possible to create a database with information that reveals the type of language, profile, and customer preferences to serve them better.

Also Read: Digital Transformation And Customer Belief For Service

What Is remarketing On Facebook

What Is remarketing On Facebook

How to remarket on Facebook, do you know? Imagine a highly effective targeted advertising strategy that costs little to your pocket, given the number of people you reach. This is the reality of a remarketing campaign!

Every customer deserves a second chance, especially those who have abandoned their shopping cart on your website.

But for them to come back at some point, you need to catch that user’s attention with something that reminds them of your brand, and it needs to be a positive experience.

And remarketing is an excellent option for that. Want to know how? Then read what we have prepared for you in this content!

First Of All: What Is Facebook Remarketing?

You must have already gone through something similar to what we discussed in the following few lines.

There you were, browsing the internet in search of a new smartphone to compare the models, the advantage of each one, cost-effectiveness, and other information.

The next day, you decided to log into Facebook on your computer, and right away, there was an ad for smartphones similar to the ones you previously searched on the web.

Later, when accessing his Facebook through a mobile device application, he saw that smartphone ads appeared to brighten his day there as well.

The incredible thing about it is that after a few days, these ads remained on your Facebook until they were replaced by other products or services you searched for on the internet.

It sounds like a chase. Or magic, who knows? Or is your computer and cell phone listening to what you are saying?! Don’t worry; none of these previous questions need to concern you. This is nothing more than a marketing strategy known as remarketing.

Remarketing is a Digital Marketing strategy that is becoming very popular among companies. It is considered a form of targeted advertising for users who contact your organization’s website pages but do not close deals or make purchases, regardless of the reason.

To change this scenario, companies collect information made available by Facebook, for example, and carry out an incredible remarketing campaign.

In other words, yes, this could be the successful strategy that your company needed to invest in.

How Does Remarketing On Facebook Work?

To effectively run a Facebook remarketing campaign, you need to know how this form of targeted advertising works.

It’s funny to note that many people are scared by how the world’s largest social network manages to know what you are looking for on the internet.

But for that to happen, you have to go through a straightforward process that goes like this:

  1. The user accesses your company’s website;
  2. The pages visited by the user are recorded by the Facebook pixel ;
  3. The social network shows ads to the user as soon as he accesses Facebook;
  4. The user, intrigued by the ad, clicks, and returns to the company’s website.

Ah, so it’s the pixel that connects my visits to the site and the ads that appear! The answer is yes!! But what is this pixel anyway?

The Facebook pixel is also known as the “code snippet.” It is usually generated by the Facebook ad platform and inserted into your company’s website.

With this code snippet, Facebook can discover all user actions on your site, as well as monitor all of them. Some examples are: clicking on a product or service, abandoning the shopping cart, etc.

That’s because, based on all these actions, Facebook can measure the efficiency of ads on the platform and find out how many people reached and made a purchase.

If you want to know what should be published on social networks, first, you need to define your goals and objectives, as we mentioned in the first tip of the previous topic.

Many companies want to generate more leads – potential customers for their products or services – and they focus on a strategy to reach more people interested in the brand.

In this case, an excellent choice would be to publish content from the company’s corporate blog or even rich materials, which are dense content on a particular subject.

In addition to these posts, it is also possible to focus on publications that are not linked to the content, such as institutional videos and posts about commemorative dates and events.

Also Read: How We Use Social Media For Our Benefit