Robots Will Replace People, HR Managers Respond

Robots Will Replace People, HR Managers Respond

We no longer have to wait for the future. The future is already here. This follows from the reality imposed by robotics in the industry. However, ignorance, training, and assumptions have created some fear. The question is: will robots replace people? HR managers respond.

Robotics Will Not Destroy Jobs

Most HR professionals believe that the advancement of robotics will not destroy jobs. No more and no less than 75% of HR directors are convinced that robots bring with them a very important transformation of the labour market. An important part of them ensures that it will lead to new jobs hitherto unknown.

This follows from the Qualitative Study of Perception of Industrial Robotics. The Adecco Group, a world leader in human resource management, and the Cuatrecasas Institute for Legal Strategy in HR have carried out this work on the impact of robotics.

The study has had the opinion of a hundred Spanish HR directors, with all economic sectors. In this way, the pulse has been taken at the level of knowledge and awareness presented by the company on the adoption of robotics and how robots affect the different industrial sectors.

Preparation Of The Workforce

Despite the good omens, 93% of the experts agree on one perception. They believe that most templates are not prepared, or are only partially prepared, to assume the integration of robots in companies.

These opinions open different ways of raising awareness regarding industrial robotics. Some HR CEOs believe that the development and implementation of robotics in companies will help us become better professionals, providing us with tools that will allow us to go where we have never gone before.”

Despite this, HR leaders consider it advisable that the legislation contemplates certain obligations for the employer. It is about taking measures that can guarantee the process of integration between robots and humans in the development of work activity.

The Impact Of Robots In The Medium And Long Term

Undoubtedly, robotics has already entered our lives and is changing our daily lives personally and professionally. Robots are changing the rules of the traditional job market at a breakneck pace.

According to 88% of the human resources professionals surveyed by Adecco and the Cuatrecasas Institute, robotics will have a high or very high impact on the labour market in the coming years. This possible impact on the labour market will occur, always according to those surveyed, in the medium and long term, as indicated by 78%.

Companies believe that the incidence of robots in companies will be positive, among other things, because it will provide greater agility to processes (50%). Respondents also say that it will encourage innovation and the development of new products and services (21%) and help reduce the number of errors (14%). The count of beneficial effects could close with the forecast of a decrease in the levels of occupational accidents (5%) and absenteeism.

The Fear Of Employers To The Reaction Of Workers

62% of experts believe that the industrial and manufacturing sectors will experience the greatest impact of this technology. In fact, in other sections of the labour market, the incidence is practically residual.

Despite this and being convinced that new jobs will be created, employers fear adverse reactions from the workforce and the trade unions.

The two main concerns for them are the potential resistance of employees to technological progress (55%) and the union reaction that the adoption of robotics in Spanish companies may bring about (49%).

However, everyone seems to agree that these eventualities can be minimised. For this, a profound cultural change is necessary. We must bet on a concept of employment and business that moves away from the face-to-face and rigid standards of the 20th century.

The intensive and successful integration of robots in organisations requires constant and consistent communication and coherence. Often the biggest challenge is people’s fear of the unknown, and this can be improved by communicating clearly and honestly about what you are trying to do and why.

We can better understand the opinion of hiring managers regarding the impact of robots on companies. To do this, we offer you this infographic in which we show you the “Qualitative Study of Perception of Industrial Robotics in Spain” in figures.

ALSO READ: Artificial Intelligence Reduces Working Days To Working Hours

Artificial Intelligence Reduces Working Days To Working Hours

Artificial Intelligence Reduces Working Days To Working Hours

The technological revolution has radically changed the way we work. Artificial Intelligence has transformed companies and employees alike at all levels. Just 25 years have passed since the beginning of technological progress as we know it today.

If in 1930 a Spaniard worked an average of 55.9 years (109,546 hours), in 2012, the working time was reduced to 40.9 years (68,875 hours). That is, fifteen years less of work in an employee’s working life.

In this way, if in 1930 a worker spent 20.1% of his life in the workplace, in 2012 this time was reduced to 9.6%. In addition, between 1930 and 2012, the annual time dedicated to work has been reduced by 12%, although throughout the life cycle, it has decreased by 37% during the indicated period.

Adecco Group Institute Report On Artificial Intelligence

This interesting data has led the Adecco Group Institute to produce a new report. To do this, more than 200 HR directors have been surveyed, and it is deduced that thanks to technology and Artificial Intelligence, a working day since 1970 is now completed in just an hour and a half.

Furthermore, experts do not see robot and machine disruption as synonymous with job destruction. 74% of professionals predict that Artificial Intelligence will not pose a danger, and another 72% believe that technologies will improve the living conditions of employees.

New Technologies and Artificial Intelligence will carry out routine tasks that only hinder the working day. We refer to the exchange of information, structured and unstructured data analysis, and manual skills. In this sense, 48% of the professionals surveyed indicate that the areas where the development of these technologies will have the most impact are the exchange of information and data analysis.

Taking into account the results obtained in this report, the Adecco Group predicts that, for the next decade, this type of work with little added value may be reduced by up to 20%. This would translate into 8 hours a week or, what is the same, a full working day.

In this way, technologies and Artificial Intelligence will improve people’s quality of life. Not only that, but it will also increase business productivity exponentially.

Adecco Group Institute Report On Artificial Intelligence

Humanization Of Time

The revaluation and humanization of employees’ time are two of the main advantages Artificial Intelligence, and New Technologies will bring. In other words, the work-life balance of each individual will be favoured. In the short-term future, it will be precisely these technologies that will be in charge of carrying out routine tasks. Those functions that today only hinder the work of professionals.

So, what will differentiate us from the machines at work? Simple, soft skills or soft skills. These are unique capacities of the human being, such as empathy, creativity, or leadership.

By 2030, 14% of the global workforce will have had to evolve, adapt and transform their skills. For this, it will have to bet on lifelong learning and professional recycling. Joining these two aspects to the reimagining, we have the three fundamental keys to prevent the destruction of jobs by automation.

Finally, the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies make workspaces much safer. Machines and automation reduce stress and pressure on workers, thus reducing the risk of workplace accidents.

Despite these points in favour that New Technologies bring with them, 93% of those surveyed by the Adecco Group Institute consider that Spain is not a leader in this technological revolution. Therefore, they indicate that we are not taking advantage of all the resources. For all this, companies are willing to invest in the training of the Artificial Intelligence workforce and new technological systems.

ALSO READ: Post Confinement & Future Of Employment: Consensus On Teleworking

Post Confinement & Future Of Employment: Consensus On Teleworking

Post Confinement & Future Of Employment Necessary Consensus On Teleworking

In these days when isotherms are unleashed, it seems inevitable that we are witnessing new legislative openings, to the insomnia of jurists, social agents, and parties involved, who will have to interpret, negotiate and implement in record time if we do not want to celebrate San Ignacio mired in E.R.T.E., equality plans… and teleworking measures.

It seems clear that confined work and intensive use of new technologies has not been a recipe from which we can get more than a few good ingredients. The rest is sure that, in most homes, it has been a manifestly improvable experience.

Pros And Cons Of Telecommuting

Surely we will agree on each particular analysis of the system’s weaknesses and opportunities, on what pros and cons of teleworking equal each party in the debate.

There are many known advantages for companies (adaptation to possible crises, improvement in attracting talent, implementation of agile and collaborative environments, brand image, reputation, motivation), for workers (conciliation and care of family responsibilities, trust, delegation and autonomy, flexibility, inclusion), for both (savings, healthy workspaces and fewer infections, B.Y.O.D. options) or for society (sustainable extension of working life and pension system guarantees, opportunities for Spain emptied, territorial redistribution of companies, shorter working hours and presenteeism, local tourism, higher consumption, and employment opportunities…).

But there are also unknown ways (productivity, threats from a limiting regulatory framework or one that increases costs) and threats from teleworking in the post-Covid-19 era if we think about the use of what we experienced during the pandemic.

Both for companies and employers (cybersecurity, difficulties in communication and management of collective talent, investments in technology) and for workers (risks of isolation and lack of socialisation, collective rights, ergonomics, techno-stress, circadian cycles, increased gender gap, excessive working hours due to inadequate time management, digital disconnection and task scheduling, controls and privacy, visibility, promotion…) there is homework to do.

It is not new that our regulatory framework has always been one of the vectors that hamper the competitiveness of our economy ( 74th position out of 141 countries ). And this should be a warning for the regulation of teleworking if we do not want to kill the creature in the transition from fasciculus to the Official Gazette on duty.

Examples of regulation that we have in our closest environment: from the smart work of Italy to the visionary French regulation, which regulated cases of forced teleworking during exceptional circumstances and pandemics… sometimes it is better not to invent if among our partners in the European Union already there are many good practices.

Need For Minimum Regulation

Surely teleworking will not only need a minimum regulation in the face of the vacuum of our Workers’ Statute.

The support of collective bargaining, sector, and company, and the complement of other soft law tools (policies, individual agreements) will be necessary if we want the new telework to be sustainable in the future, without affecting the competitiveness of companies and employers, the free choice -and expectations- of workers, or generating more rigidities in the regulatory framework.

It is also necessary to conceptually separate this variant of remote work, as a form of work organisation, from other rights that, although they may benefit directly or indirectly, should not be mixed. Teleworking is not only reconciling or focusing flexibility on the female gender, and a long list of assumptions and confusions that proliferate these days.

Current Regulations For Teleworking

There are aspects where the existing regulations should only require compliance (digital disconnection, time recording, prevention of ergonomic risks, psychosocial risks, and techno-stress) and other areas where it will be necessary to provide legal certainty in aspects yet to be specified (scope of the general duty of protection of the businessman, concept of risk assessment, workplace, and means of protection and prevention, the concept of the accident at work).

Promotion Measures

Likewise, promotion measures from the Public Administrations seem necessary. The importance and majority of S.M.E.s and self-employed workers in our economy require incentives and rebates on costs and investments since they are now more important than ever to address digital transformation and telework as engines for competitiveness and job creation, thus avoiding wasting time increase the latent gap between large and small.

Liquid Right In Teleworking

And in the field of liquid law, the legal or conventional definition of positions susceptible to teleworking (intelligent teleworking), types of teleworking (Anglo-Saxon model: permanent or occasional; exceptional, “protected,” regulated in the job description, maybe interesting. etc.) and inherent characteristics (“asymmetry” of the types of telework), as well as the door open to other “extended” options: Italian model of smart work … work anywhere, anytime

One of the most controversial aspects is the obligatory assumption of costs by employers. Since voluntariness and reversibility seem to be essential characteristics in the regulation, as in the rest of the European Union, the determination of costs should be dealt with in collective bargaining, since, if not, it can become a dissuasive element for the implementation of post-covid-19 teleworking.

In this sense, there are proposals to include in the definition of the cost model, both the description of the concepts that can be included, as well as the relationship of “monetizable” advantages and the relationship with the remuneration model and purchasing power (costs based on earnings/ loss of purchasing power of the worker depending on the place of residence and telecommuting).

Surely many other aspects are pending to be addressed: activity control systems, proportionality, intimacy, privacy, self-image, the scope of control and direction, company policies on teleworking ( dress code, mandatory use of the camera in video meetings, etc.).


Without a doubt, we are committed to seeking consensus solutions so that they last over time, in the face of new work environments, the necessary flexibility, the growing digitization, the competitiveness of our labour relations model, and how to attract and value the talent of people to ensure adaptation to foreseeable changing environments. Hopefully, the legislator is sensitive to what workers and employers demand. It is the only recipe.

ALSO READ: What Are Agile Methodologies And How To Apply Them

What Are Agile Methodologies And How To Apply Them

What Are Agile Methodologies And How To Apply Them

The digitization of companies and the industrial revolution 4.0 has brought with it new management formulas. The incorporation of New Technologies (NNTT) such as robotics, Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have led to the implementation of what has become known as agile methodologies.

These techniques replace the classic management model used by companies in the last century.

What Are Agile Methodologies?

More innovative business processes have had to be faced with new technological advances. Machines, software, devices, and apps have come to perform tedious or repetitive tasks. This avoids the loss of time and human resources.

Employees have been freed from this type of task. The consequence is that the workforce can be dedicated to more productive functions. This fact has strengthened teamwork and the concept of achieving objectives.

During this transition in the business fabric, agility has emerged. It is supported by concepts such as labour flexibility and quality commitments. It is the only way to respond to a market that demands the delivery of projects and products in a short space of time.

Agile methodologies, therefore, are being implemented by organisations. Regardless of its size, it is the only way to remain visible and competitive. In this way, agile processes allow resources to react to new trends.

We can conclude that agile methodologies enable the adaptation of work techniques to the project’s needs. The tools and the action system provide the objectives with flexibility, autonomy, and efficiency. Finally, greater efficiency and cost reduction are perceived.

Benefits Of Agile Methodologies

Agile methodologies offer several advantages over traditional management techniques.

  • Faster Decision-Making: CEOs and middle managers feel freer to focus on more strategic issues.
  • Adaptation: It is easier to improve products and services and adapt them to the environment and the customer’s needs.
  • Reduction Of Time, Investment, And Infrastructure: Agile eliminates unnecessary bureaucratic work meetings and reduces development time.
  • Talent Retention: Workers are more motivated, and their commission rate is propitiated. Teamwork allows them to contribute more and better.

The figures leave no room for doubt. Companies that have implemented agile methodologies claim to have launched 50% more products or services on the market. In addition, the customer relationship has increased by 40%, and they have perceived that the employees’ loyalty has shot up by 200%. All these are thanks to the application of agile principles.

How To Implement Agile Methodologies

This technique requires a series of steps to be practical. For this, the business must be carefully studied.

Delimitation Of Needs

Different agile methodologies can be applied to a company. However, not all of them provide the same answer. Everything will depend on the particular needs of each organisation.

Once the methodology that best suits the company has been determined, it is recommended to begin a gradual adaptation process. In this way, you will not lose the dynamic in issues that work well. However, the most deficient processes can be remodelled.

Talent And Training

The involvement of Human Resources is essential. It would be best if you were involved in attracting and retaining talent. In addition, a continuous training calendar must be designed to enable the staff to perform their tasks in agile environments.

With this decision, security will prevail in the implementation process. In addition, the possibility of making mistakes will be minimised.


Work teams need to get used to performing their duties in a transparent, collaborative, and open to dialogue environment. In this case, horizontal and close dynamics work very well.

New Technologies

The traditional methodology full of reports and diagrams must be left behind. Currently, it is straightforward to implement management tools and software that facilitate the tasks of work teams.


Any objective that is marked must be feasible and assumable. This will make the transition to the agile environment easier. In this sense, it should be emphasised that it is more convenient to adapt deadlines, tasks, and delivery times. All must be appointed consistently to meet the goals set.

It is often difficult for organisations to find the right moment to modify the work dynamics. To achieve this, there are three essential factors:

  • Clear customer orientation.
  • Equipment properly aligned.
  • Measurement of daily results.

Getting everyone, executives, and teams out of their comfort zone will enable the implementation of agile methodologies to be fast, efficient, and productive.

ALSO READ: NFT Theft: This Is How Artists Are Massively Deducted

NFT Theft: This Is How Artists Are Massively Deducted

NFT Theft This Is How Artists Are Massively Deducted

With the help of NFTs, digital artists should finally be recognized and, above all, fairly rewarded for their art. But often, the opposite happens. NFT theft, for example, ensures that copyrights are violated, and artists are massively withdrawn. 

It’s not that easy for a digital artist to protect your creations on the web. After all, who can control whether a work of art that someone posts on Instagram is not downloaded by unauthorised persons and distributed elsewhere without the appropriate rights or even printed on T-shirts and sold for a profit?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) keep promising to solve the problem of art plagiarism. After all, artists can earn money with it. Digital artists like Beepl have received millions for their works. However, the opposite also happens with NFTs. Works of art are boldly stolen and sold for large sums, and the artists themselves get nothing.

NFT Hype And Billions Attract Criminals

This is a trend that the NFT Thefts initiative drew attention to a few months ago. According to this, NFT theft is as old as the non-fungible tokens themselves. But due to the current NFT hype, the problem has become more dramatic.

This is a lucrative market because the tokens are currently so exciting, and buyers spend so much money on them. The largest NFT platform, Opens, was recently valued at $13.3 billion.

Such values ​​make NFT theft much more attractive for criminals.

86,000 Works Stolen

A particularly striking case concerns the artist Aja Trier. She is known for her work inspired by Vincent van Gogh. She found in January that strangers were converting a total of around 86,000 of her images into NFTs and listing them for sale on the Open sea.

The open sea does not have a verification process for NFT sellers. In addition, the platform allows “lazy minting,” i.e., the creation of tokens without having to write them into the blockchain beforehand. This is only necessary after the sale.

But this is precisely what ensures that criminals steal works from digital artists, declare them as their own on the platform, and then offer the corresponding NFTs for sale. This affects Opensea and comparable websites such as Decentraland, Super rare, Mintable, and Raible.

It can be long before the affected artists find out that someone is distributing NFTs of their work without permission. And then they often face the following problem. You must ensure that the platforms remove your artwork yourself.

Many Complaints Ignored

In the case of the well-known Dutch artist Lois van Baarle, she could have the stolen NFTs removed from Open Sea employing a high-profile tweet.

But for other sufferers who don’t have the same following as van Baarle.

Open sea, in particular, does not seem to be very cooperative. There is an online form that you can fill out. But that often seems to be ignored, as NFT Thefts has noted.

That is why the initiative recommends contacting Opensea’s host, Google, in this case. This often seems to be more successful and gets fake NFTs deleted faster.

Combat NFT Theft With Technology

But because artists don’t have time to scour the Internet for copyright infringement every day, NFT Theft also recommends a tool called Deviant Art. This automatically scans the Internet for possible plagiarism and can thus detect theft more quickly.

Artists can then submit their complaints to Opensea and Co.

To further speed up and simplify this process for those affected, businessman Mert Hilmi recently developed a technical solution. Together with two developers, he created the website Sniffles NFT.

The site uses an automated image recognition program. The program automatically sends a removal request to the affected artists as soon as the program detects copyright infringement. The tool is still in the beta phase. But the first tests have been successful.

Petition To Increase Pressure On Open Sea

There is also an online petition to force Open Sea to establish a verification process to apply even more pressure. Such a process would make it more difficult for criminals to commit NFT theft.

Other platforms, such as Raible, have already introduced such a system. Raible relies on human interaction to detect fake NFTs.

Users have the option of being verified by human moderators, for example, by linking their social media profiles. This allows the moderation team to check whether the artists themselves and then assign a verification tick accordingly.

For buyers, these signals behind an art NFT are the creators themselves. Raible told The Verge that since the introduction of this system, allegations of plagiarism have fallen by 91 percent.

An even more comprehensive technological solution would be to verify users and their art contributions via the blockchain. However, the large NFT platforms have not yet offered this comprehensively.

Class Action Lawsuit Against NFT Theft

Meanwhile, artists are also using legal avenues to take action against NFT theft. The first class-action lawsuits have already been initiated in the USA. However, this requires that artists not complain about plagiarism on the Internet but let the sales go through.

Only then can a loss of income and specific damage be asserted in court. That would at least ensure that the complaining artists would be compensated. But that would not change much in terms of plagiarism, and the NFT platforms themselves would not be liable either.

Until a solid legal basis is formed here, creators will be at a disadvantage for the time being. And even then, some artists remain sceptical about NFTs.

Because if, for example, changing a few pixels in work were enough to circumvent copyrights, the artists would not be helped either.

NFT Theft Divides The Art Community

Therefore, the art community is divided on dealing with NFT theft. Some no longer create digital art at all for security reasons. For the time being, they only rely on offline art and hope that the NFT hype will die out quickly.

However, this is not a good solution for pure digital artists. As a result, some have moved to post their art on more secure platforms such as Foundation. Users can only use this NFT exchange with a personal invitation.

But most of them agree on one point. No matter how you feel about non-fungible tokens, the brazen NFT theft ultimately harms all digital artists.

ALSO READ: Ones Are Designed To Save You From Unnecessary Scrolling

Ones Are Designed To Save You From Unnecessary Scrolling

Ones Are Designed To Save You From Unnecessary Scrolling

The newly developed app “OneSec” is intended to control unconscious access to social media. As soon as users open an app, the application forces them to pause for a moment. We explain the background. 

About 4.62 billion people worldwide use social networks. Instagram will be the most downloaded app in 2021. It was downloaded a total of 30.7 million times last year. Snapchat, TikTok, and Facebook follow closely behind the social media apps.

All users are guilty of one thing almost every day: scrolling. Opening social media apps often happens unconsciously and automatically. The app developer Frederik Riedel wants to counteract these unconscious habits.

OneSec Fights Against Psychological App Traps

In 2021, the now 26-year-old developer developed the OneSec app. If users install the app on their smartphone, they are forced to pause for a moment before using a specific application on their smartphone.

With one set, Riedel wants to give users back control over their smartphone usage, according to the app description. The application allows users to spend more time in the real world by decoupling their brains from the insidious psychological traps that social media companies add to their apps to addict users.

According to an interview with Der Spiegel, Frederik Riedel had the idea during the corona pandemic. He noticed how much time he unconsciously spent on social networks like Instagram or Facebook.

He heard the tip to take a deep breath before using an app in a podcast. With this in mind, the app developer finally programmed ones.

This Is How The OneSec App Works

Users can download the app from the Apple Store. Once the download is complete, OneSec users can use the “Shortcut” function to set up automation for selected smartphone applications. The app can be set to open or close an app.

If users want to open an application such as Instagram after configuring the app, a turquoise loading bar appears first and the words “Take a deep breath…”.

The app forwards the user to the following information screen as soon as the breathing space is over. This shows how often the said app was opened in the last 24 hours. In addition, there are now two options: Users must decide whether they want to open the desired app or select against it.

A Second To Reflect

For users who are used to opening an app quickly and using many applications simultaneously, the breath second may feel like an eternity. However, one can be a helpful tool to curb your social media use. Users must actively reflect on whether they opened an app out of habit or specific intention.

In an app review on Riedel’s website, New Concept Gaming wrote, “[The app] made opening Instagram and Facebook the most annoying part of my day.” At the same time, however, the OneSec app helped burn four hours of daily scrolling down to about 36 minutes.

Take A Deep Breath As The First Step To Mental Health

In an interview with Der Spiegel, the psychologist Julia Brailovskaia commented on the addictive potential of some social media apps and how OneSec works.

She finds the principle of the app helpful, but at the same time, she would like more information for the users. According to the researcher, these should also be sensitised on a cognitive level.

Users of the accessible version of OneSec are only offered the “Breathing exercise” function – so take a deep breath. If users decide to subscribe to the Pro version, further usage options such as a time tracker, focus sessions, and behavioural analysis are available.

However, if you want to use the additional functions, you must pay around five euros per month. In addition, the one’s app has so far only been reserved for iPhone users.

ALSO READ: IT Architecture: How Hybrid Approaches Free Users From Dependencies

IT Architecture: How Hybrid Approaches Free Users From Dependencies

IT Architecture How Hybrid Approaches Free Users From Dependencies

Many application architectures can be found in today’s IT: Central data centres supplemented by local IT resources, or entirely distributed resources. David Walker from Yugabyte explains how the IT architecture must evolve because of the edge dynamics triggered by IoT and 5G.

We are currently experiencing a new surge in development in the data centres and thus in the IT architecture. The trigger is the transition from first to second-generation cloud implementations; the fuel is provided by the increasing spread of 5G and IoT applications. The first generation was about internalising the use of the cloud and “somehow” identifying databases and applications that were suitable for this new environment. Now that the use of the cloud has become established, the user companies are gradually discovering its downside: they are tied to their cloud provider. And because the IoT increases the volume of data, the costs also increase.

In an attempt to break the cloud provider monopoly, some organisations are placing specific classes of applications in particular clouds, such as Azure for Office, AWS for OLTP, and GCP for analytics. This allows users to reduce their dependence on cloud providers somewhat. But users are still dependent on a cloud provider for each application class. Three main characteristics will characterise the development of a second-generation IT architecture for cloud use:

Distribute Applications Across Multiple Cloud Providers

The use of applications, especially databases, should be distributed across multiple cloud providers. It will not be enough to distribute applications across multiple clouds – they must be distributed across both clouds and their own in-house IT capacities. This allows organisations to bring processing and storage closer to the user and offload it to the most cost-effective platform for the type of workload. Organisations using vendor-specific databases from cloud operators will need to reconsider this approach. Users looking to migrate their stateless, cloud-native microservices across cloud providers need a data layer, mainly a database supported across clouds.

IT architecture: Use Of Three Data Centres In Different Regions

The second trend is using three data centres in different regions instead of two. In the past, it was usual to operate two data centres, one active and one passive, but in the future, the use of distributed databases at three locations should take the place of this concept. If one of them fails, the services are still maintained. Operating in Frankfurt, London and Dublin is no more difficult than working in two of those locations.

It’s not much more complex, but it’s certainly much more robust. And it’s easy to implement with the technologies now available. This approach also better supports regulatory compliance and data security. For example, it makes it possible to store data exclusively in one of three centres in the US, the EU, and the rest of the world to comply with legal requirements while keeping it in a single global database.

IT Architecture: Agnostic APIs For Data Storage

The third trend is the move to agnostic APIs for data storage. I predict that the Postgres API will prevail for SQL databases and Cassandra for no-SQL databases as block storage moves closer to the S3 programming language. This amounts to a de facto unification of APIs for data storage. This is important because it removes a barrier that hampers scaling and prevents organisations from moving between different data plane platforms.

The commoditization of the data centre is already underway. The three trends mentioned are the inevitable result of users’ desire to scale their IT architecture cost-effectively. And without having to bind yourself to a provider. Providers will not give up their lock-in advantages without a fight. Ultimately, however, the approach that promises users more independence will prevail. This evolution will bring with it a plethora of innovations. Not just at the edge but also in the way we build our data centres of the future.

ALSO READ: The Way To A Secure, Modern Archiving Concept

The Way To A Secure, Modern Archiving Concept

The Way To A Secure, Modern Archiving Concept

The reliable archiving of company data is one of the obligatory exercises of every IT department. However, secure and legally compliant data, storage can be complex and challenging. The armaments company Hensoldt has therefore decided to introduce a modern archiving concept. Today, the company benefits from lean processes, less work and costs, and more flexibility.

The Hensoldt group, which emerged from Airbus Defense and Space for sensor technology in 2017, used the established IBM FileNet P8 software solution for data and document archiving in the past. However, because the support for the resolution was intensive and the associated costs were high, the search for alternatives began. “IBM FileNet P8 was a kind of black box for us. When problems arose, there were enormous time delays in solving them because in many cases, not only our provider but also FileNet experts had to be called in.” It was hoped that this situation would be resolved by changing the modern archiving concept.

Lean Archiving Concept

The fact was: Hensoldt had to manage and archive two terabytes of ERP data and six terabytes of PLM data. These were primarily SAP documents as well as product-related documents and files. A highly integrative solution that makes an intermediate level for archiving superfluous. In conversations with his provider, he got to know the innovative archiving approach. “Its concept and the intelligent archiving solutions convinced us from the first moment for a variety of reasons. On the one hand because of the portfolio, the price, and the transparency and on the other hand, because it was a solution that transparently integrates with our ERP system .”

So Holzmann compared his favorite tool’s features, functions, and performance with the goals defined in his specifications. The comparison was convincing. Added to this was the software manufacturer’s many years of SAP expertise. “Since our archiving exclusively relates to SAP, the company’s SAP partnership and the fact that the solution is fully integrated into SAP were, of course, strong arguments.” Together with a project manager and an archiving specialist, he was involved in the decision-making process of Hensoldt. Irrespective of the scope of services, he and his colleagues were particularly impressed by the price – a fact that fueled the desire to switch. 

The New Archiving Concept Brings The Aha Effect

So the archiving concept was put through its paces, and the decision was made to introduce the tia Content Server and tia Document Router and the migration solution, tia Migration, from KGS Software GmbH. A few weeks later, preparations for the migration began. Initially, the new archiving solution went live parallel to FileNet operations. “We had previously agreed on a PoC (Proof of Concept), which – in addition to the technical test – presented itself to us as a training course in which we learned from the consultants in a completely transparent and very descriptive manner how we can work with the tools ourselves.”, says the SAP Basis Administrator. They were very impressed by the simplicity, transparency, and focus on the essentials. After the start of the migration, all data and documents – a total of 8 terabytes – were migrated to the new system within six weeks; two weeks were needed for the ERP-relevant data and another four weeks for the PLM-relevant data.

“The migration was my aha moment.” “The move from IBM FileNet P8 to the new archiving solution in such a short time blew my mind. I didn’t expect anything like that. We also received final documentation tailored to audits by auditors. That also gives us security on this site.”

This migration project was transparent, understandable, and very well documented, for which there was praise and recognition from IT and the Hensoldt management.

Strategic Data And Document Archiving Pays Off

Data and document archiving is an IT discipline that is strategically important for companies. This has also come true at Hensoldt. First of all, it is about proper filing, in the sense of the regulations; the retention period of the respective data must be specified at the time of archiving.

The data may even have to be available indefinitely. This clarifies that archiving is a central part of the IT architecture for companies. Specific data must be stored long-term in a particular form, often audit-proof, unchangeable, and specially protected.

But it is also about having data and documents available quickly when needed. An archive is much more than just an unloved filing system in the furthest corner of the data center. Successful companies also base their business development and the orientation of their products and services on knowledge from the past. And it is precisely this knowledge that can be found in the archives.

Therefore, archiving systems must be actively used as an information pool for corporate strategy.

ALSO READ: Increased Efficiency & Employee Satisfaction: Through Defined Workflows

Increased Efficiency & Employee Satisfaction: Through Defined Workflows

Increased Efficiency And Employee Satisfaction Through Defined Workflows

Defined Workflows: The complexity of marketing is overgrowing: Today, over 50x more marketing tools than ten years ago. So it’s no wonder that the efficiency and thus the satisfaction of the employees suffer. We will therefore show you how defined workflows can help.

Since 2011, the martech landscape has grown by 5.233 percent, leading to increased use of new technologies and thus more inefficiency and dissatisfaction.

How do you stay connected when teams and tools are more distributed than ever? According to researchers, today’s enterprise workers switch between 10 applications an average of 25 times a day at work, resulting in interrupted communications, decreased efficiency, and duplication of the piece.

In other words, instead of moving work forward effectively, many employees spend their time going back and forth, moving work from one tool to another, struggling to collaborate effectively.

The trend shows that employees are working more and longer hours. Eighty-seven percent of all employees work longer every day but are less and less concerned with the actual work.

Administrative work takes up such a large proportion that several days a week, there is no time to do meaningful work instead of searching for information, switching between the different tools, and constantly changing priorities.

Also Read: Employee Self Service: 4 Tips For Introducing The Tool

Defined Workflows: The Solution – More Structure

To increase efficiency and satisfaction, a company needs structure. By introducing predefined workflows, companies can make their teams more adaptable.

A workflow is a complete process that helps teams achieve goals by providing the right people with the correct data at the right time.

If the individual steps are defined, employees can run the workflows repeatedly without restarting each time. Fixed workflows can increase success and minimise work-related work.

Employees are given the data, information, and resources they need to get started right away. Everyone knows at a glance when specific tasks have to be completed. In addition, new employees are trained much faster and find their way around quicker.

How Can I Develop Predefined Workflows?

To develop meaningful workflows, three steps are necessary.


The first step is planning. This means that the project team collects all information without direct structure. With this brainstorming, all relevant topics, hooks, or designs needed for the later process are gathered right at the beginning.

In this step, the project manager also assigns tasks to individual employees based on their capacity, efficiency, and skills.

2nd Execution

After assigning the tasks, the team gets to work – creating, checking, and improving tasks. In this phase, the project manager records progress in status reports and identifies problems at an early stage.


In the last step, managers have the opportunity to check the individual workflows. Does everything work as desired? Are all texts free of typos? Does the workflow meet the high standards? If you notice that an error has crept in, the workflow goes back one step.

With Asana To Defined Workflows

In the free ebook, Asana experts analyse how marketing teams at top companies worked and looked for trends, themes and similarities. The result is a seven-part framework for workflows that is universally applicable. Find everything you need to know about marketing team problems, marketing workflows, and much more in the free ebook.

Asana easily integrates with tools companies already use. This makes, for example, connecting to Google apps (e.g., Google Calendar, Gmail, Microsoft Teams, and Outlook), communication (e.g., Slack), file sharing (e.g., Dropbox), development (e.g., Github), or reports (e.g., HourStack) easier and thus also the achievement of significant results.

Convince yourself of Asana now, get your free e-book and bring more structure to your company.

ALSO READ: Project Management Tool Under Test: What Can Cling Do?

Project Management Tool Under Test: What Can Cling Do?

Project Management Tool Under Test What Can Cling Do

Organizational tools help sort us digitally. A project management tool called Cling comes from Berlin. We took a closer look. Since the Corona lockdown at the latest, many people have been forced to digitize overnight. That ranged from the home office to the digital school to online sports. As a result, the organization often shifted to digital. After all, tasks at the workplace could no longer be assigned verbally in the office or teaching materials given to the children.

And so well-known organizational tools from Zoom to Slack to Trello experienced an unexpected boom, while many of us also discovered new tools. This also includes “Cling” from the Berlin company of the same name. We took a closer look at the project management tool.

What Is Behind The Project Management Tool Cling?

Behind Cling is a young company based in Berlin, which has developed a digital tool of the same name.

A cling is a tool that combines several practical functions in one program. Cling can probably best be described as a project management tool. You can use it to create notes, photo albums, bookmarks, or to-do lists and even upload files.

You can also use Cling collaboratively for work projects. This makes the application a versatile tool used in many different areas.

Create Photo Albums

You can use Cling privately to write notes or formulate digital to-do lists if you want. Creating photo albums and sharing them with family or friends is also possible. In addition to photos, videos can also be uploaded. However, the storage space is limited to one gigabyte (GB) in the free version.

There is already 50 GB of storage space from eight euros per month in the Pro version. Companies can also add additional functions to the business version.

The bookmark function is also worth mentioning.

Sort Bookmarks

True, it is easier to set a bookmark in the browser. But if it is important to sort your bookmarks clearly (and nicely), you will probably prefer Cling.

The desired website can be easily added to a bookmark board via a browser extension and then labeled, categorized, and even colored.

For those who are comfortable with their browser bookmarks, Cling may be more of a gimmick. But if it is important to sort your web links, you will appreciate the tool.


Cling also offers work organization and teamwork opportunities as a project management tool. Creating individual tasks and projects for yourself or sharing them with other Cling users is possible.

If you share a project with other users, you can also assign rights – similar to Google Workspace. At the same time, all users involved in a project can exchange and edit documents, leave comments, and communicate with each other via chat or even video call. This is quite remarkable for an organizational tool.

However, one also has to say that chat apps like Slack or video tools like Zoom ultimately offer more options for these individual functions precisely because they specialize in them.

At the same time, it is certainly easier to send a zoom link for spontaneous calls than to get someone to download a new tool. Nevertheless, it is a convenient organizational platform if an entire group works with the device.

Conclusion: Solid Project Management Tool With Many Options

Cling is a bit reminiscent of Trello in terms of functionality and design. However, Cling also offers features that Trello does not have, such as the bookmark function.

However, those who use Cling for the first time will also notice that Cling is not quite as intuitive to use as Trello. Here you have to try until you understand precisely how the individual functions work.

But then Cling can be an exciting project management tool, both in the private sphere and at work. This is especially true if you are looking for an agency with many different functions.

When it comes to using individual functions, specialized apps are better because they offer more options. But as a multifunctional program, Cling is highly recommended in project management.

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