HomeENTERTAINMENTPokecord Commands - Let’s Go Through The Pokemon Commands

Pokecord Commands – Let’s Go Through The Pokemon Commands

In this article, we provide you with all the standard and some advanced pokecord commands with which you can easily do the trading. We have given the long list of pokecord commands guide for the famous Discord bot.

What is Pokecord?

Pokecord is a popular discord bot that allows you to trade, battle and collect Pokemon. Discord bot is an AI-driven tool that automates many tasks. It is a set of commands or programs that help you chat and communicate with your gaming partners in real-time during the play. As said, pokecord is the discord bot of the game Pokemon.

The Pokemon game was launched on 22nd November 2017 worldwide. In this game, a bot arbitrarily spawns the image of a Pokemon without displaying its name in the participating discord bot. So, the player should type the name of the Pokemon as quickly as possible. Whoever gives the name first gets that Pokemon.

Pokecord Commands

In front of every pokecord command, you should put “p!” by default, depending on your server. Some other servers might have changed this, but “p!” is used in the default pokecord server.

You will see <Pokemon Number> throughout the commands. To get a particular Pokemon number, search for that Pokemon by typing the “p!<pokemon Name>” command. It displays the pokemon number through this list. Do not put angle brackets in your command.

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Let’s go through the Pokemon commands

Beginning the Game

  • p!start – This command helps you enter the game. It is the first and starting command. Use this command to enter into the game before catching any Pokemon.
  • p!pick – This command lets you pick a starter Pokemon after entering the game. You can select any one of the starter Pokemons among all the generations.
  • p!help – To get more information, type this command to get a series of options for help. Do not message the bot back. You should enter the command in a Pokecord-supported Discord channel.

Starter Commands

  • p!detailed – This command helps you gain more information about your Pokemon when using p! Pokemon and p!info. This command shows your Pokemon’s IVs, which are essential if you want to battle or decide the worth of a Pokemon.
  • p!order – This command is helpful to put your Pokemon in the order you like. Like, alphabetical, number, level, or IV. Mostly IV is used.
  • Pokemon Commands:p!catch <Pokemon name> – When a wild Pokemon spawns, you should use this command and the Pokemon’s name to catch it.
  • p!hint – When you type this command, you are given a clue about the newly spawned Pokemon.
  • p!select <Pokemon Number> – This command picks which Pokemon receives XP from chatting and which wins the battle.
  • p!select latest – This command chooses the most recently caught or redeemed Pokemon.
  • p!info – Shows the details of your selected Pokemon.
  • p!info latest – provides the information of the latest Pokemon caught in the game.
  • p!info <Pokemon Name> – Displays a Pokemon with its base statistics.
  • p!info shiny <Pokemon Name> – This command shows a shiny version of a Pokemon with its base statistics.
  • p!info <Pokemon Number> – This command gives the details of the Pokemon attached to this number.
  • p!Pokemon – Shows a list of Pokemons along with the details like level, number, IVs, and nickname.
  • p!pokemon –name <Pokemon name> – This command gives a list of Pokemon you own on that particular name.
  • p!Pokemon –shiny – Presents your shiny Pokemon.
  • p!pokedex – This command displays your Pokedex with a count of how many Pokemons you own.
  • p!pokedex –unowned – Shows only the Pokemons you should gather or collect.
  • p!nickname <nickname> – This command gives a nickname to your selected Pokemon.
  • p!dropitem – When you enter this command, your Pokemon drops the item or thing it is holding.
  • p!mega – This particular command is used to transform or evolve Pokemon to a mega X or Y. You should buy a mega evolution and each one costs 1000 credits.
  • p!release <Pokemon Number> – This command releases a Pokemon. If you type this command, it attempts to release a chosen Pokemon but gives a confirmation prompt before releasing.

Challenge Commands

Challenges are a new asset to the game. To win rewards, you should complete the challenges.

  • p!challenges – When you type this command, you will see all the current challenges on your screen.

Favorite List Commands

  • p!fav – This command shows a list of your favourite Pokemons.
  • p!addfav<Pokemon Number> – This command adds Pokemon to your favourites list.
  • p!removefav<Pokemon Number> – Takes out a Pokemon from your favourites list.

Duelling Commands of Pokecords

Duelling commands helps to battle with other players. If your defeat your duelling partner, you can win credits and XP.

  • p!select<Pokemon Number> – This is the Pokemon you will use in the battle.
  • p!moves – This command shows the activities of your selected Pokemon and the available moves.
  • p!learn<Move> – With this command, you will attempt to learn the move you’ve chosen. You must choose which action you want to replace.
  • p!replace<Number> – Replaces a current move with another.
  • p!duel<@Username> – This command throws a challenge to the select Discord user to a duel. Don’t forget to put ‘@’ before the username.
  • p!accept – This command indicates you accepted the duel when you are challenged.
  • p!use<Move Number> – Your selected Pokemon uses the number recorded by that number.

Market Commands

Market commands are useful for buying and selling Pokemons. You win credits that are earned during duelling. You use those credits for purchasing Pokemon.

  • p!bal – Displays the number of credits you have.
  • p!market search <Page number> – This command displays the market page you asked for.
  • p!market search <Page number><Search Options><Order Option> – Search the market.
  • p!market view <Pokemon ID> – you will get to view the complete information for a Pokemon in the market.
  • p!market info <Pokemon ID> – This is another alternative to view the information.
  • p!market list <Pokemon Number><Price> – Lists a Pokemon on the market.
  • p!market buy <Pokemon ID> – This command lets you buy a Pokemon from the market. Verify your purchase with p!confirmbuy or cancel it with p!cancel.
  • p!market remove <Pokemon ID> | Removes one of your Pokemons from the market.
  • p!market listings <Page number> | Shows the Pokemon you have listed on the market.

Exchanging Commands

  • p!trade @User – This command is useful to start a deal with someone. On the other end, they need to p!accept to achieve the work or p!deny to dismiss it.
  • p!p add <Pokemon numbers, separated by spaces> – This command adds one or diverse Pokemon to your trade offer.
  • p!p eliminate <Pokemon numbers, separated by spaces> – To remove one or another Pokemon from your trade offer use this command.
  • p!c add < Amount> – Adds credits to your trade offer.
  • p!c eliminate < Amount> – This command eliminates credits from your trade offer.
  • p!confirm – This command confirms the trade. The two clients should mention the work of experience.
  • p!cancel – Use this command to cancel the trade.

Search Options

To experience a better search, use the following Pokecord commands.

  • –name < name> – You can use this command to search for Pokemon by their name.
  • –nickname <nickname> – Use this command to search for Pokemons by their nicknames.
  • > level <level> – Helps you search for Pokemon by level.
  • –holding <holding> – To search for Pokemon by the item they hold.
  • –type <type> – This command lets you look for Pokemon by type.
  • –price <price> – Use this command to search for a Pokemon of a specific prize.
  • –hpiv <IV> – Helps you in search for Pokemon by their HPIV.
  • –atkiv <IV>– Use this command to look for Pokemon by attack IV.
  • –defiv <IV>– Use this command to search for Pokemon by their defense IV.
  • –spatkiv <IV>– Use this command to search for Pokemon by their unique attack IV.
  • –spdefiv <IV>– Use this command to look for Pokemon by their Special defence IV.
  • –speediv <IV>– Use this command to look for Pokemon by their speed IV.

The Order Options

  • More, –order id ascending/descending – helps you get the result by Pokemon ID.
  • –order lvl ascending/descending – You will get the changes of Pokemon Level by using the command.
  • Next, –order price ascending/descending – You get the outcome by price.
  • –order iv ascending/descending – Use this command to order by the sum of the Pokemon IVs.
  • –order name ascending/descending– Use this command to order outcomes by the name.

Note: You need not type Ascending or Descending. Just simply type A or D, respectively.

Trading Commands

  • p!trade @User – use this command to start a trade with someone. On the other end, they will give the command p!accept to do the work or p!deny to deny it.
  • p!p add <Pokemon numbers, separated by spaces> – With this command, you can add one or more Pokemons to your trade offer.
  • p!p remove <Pokemon numbers, separated by spaces> – Use this command to eliminate one or more Pokemon from your trade offer.
  • p!c add <Amount> – Use the command to add credits to your trade offer.
  • p!c remove <Amount> – This command helps you Rpremove credits from your trade offer.
  • p!confirm – This command is used to confirm the trade. Both users must confirm for the work to go on.
  • p!cancel – Use the command to cancel the trade.

General Commands

  • p!daily – Allows you to vote for the Pokecord server on the Discord Bots website. You receive 100 – 250 credits for doing this every 12 hours.
  • p!silence – Manages your level-up messages. During your chat in servers that have Pokecord, it will alert you when your Pokemon levels up. This might be annoying to a few. So you can use this silence command.
  • p!redeem<Pokemon name> – With this command, you will receive a Pokemon of the name you entered.
  • p!redeem credits – Sells a save you own for 15,000 credits back to the bot itself.

Bot Commands

  • p!botinfo – Provides general bot information.
  • p!invite – Gives the bot’s invite link.
  • p!donate – Use this command to send a link to donate to support the bot.
  • p!patreon – Sends a link to the bot’s Patreon page.
  • p!server – Sends an invite to the bot’s official server.
  • p!appeal – (Official Server Only) Gives you unbanned from the official server if you were banned for whatever reason.

Server Commands

  • p!prefix<prefix> – The command is used to set the server prefix. If you don’t like the “p!” before every command, you can change it.
  • p!redirect disable – Use it to allow spawns in all channels again.
  • p!channel enable/disable – This command either enables or disables p! Commands in the channel you are presently in.
  • p!levelup enable/disable – This command either enables or disables level-up alerts.
  • p!clearspawns enable/disable – This command is used to enable or disable the deletion of spawn messages once a Pokemon is caught.


In the above article, we have mentioned the complete list of Pokecord commands. We hope they help you. If you have any queries regarding the post, please leave your valuable comments and doubts in the comment section.

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